Sunday 31 March 2013

Project Components

src – your source code
gen – auto-generated code (usually just
libs - Included  libraries
Drawables (like .png images)
Values (like strings)
Manifest file

SRC(Contains Source Code)

In Android Development the src folder is where all you put your main Java code
EX. MainActivity.Java


Used to define some of the resources
Layouts (UI)
Manifest file
Shouldn’t usually have to edit it directly, Eclipse can do that for you
Preferred way of creating UIs
Separates the description of the layout from any actual code that controls it
Can easily take a UI from one platform to another

R Class

Auto-generated: you shouldn’t edit it
Contains IDs of the project resources
Enforces good software engineering
Use findViewById and Resources object to get access to the resources
Ex. Button b = (Button)findViewById(
Ex. getResources().getString(R.string.hello));


Eclipse has a great UI creator
Generates the XML for you
Composed of View objects
Can be specified for portrait and landscape mode
Use same file name, so can make completely different UIs for the orientations without modifying any code.


 In res/values
Application wide available strings
Promotes good software engineering
UI components made in the UI editor should have text defined in strings.xml
Strings are just one kind of ‘Value’ there are many others

Menifest File

Contains characteristics about your application
When have more than one Activity in app, NEED to specify it in manifest file
Go to graphical view of the manifest file
Add an Activity in the bottom right
Browse for the name of the activity
Need to specify Services and other components too
Also important to define permissions and external libraries, like Google Maps API


A Drawable resource is a general concept for a graphic which can be drawn. The simplest case is a graphical file, which would be represented in Android via a BitmapDrawable class. Bitmaps are typically stored in one of theres/drawable folders. The Android project creation wizard creates several of these folders by default, you can provide different sized files for different resolutions of Android devices. If you only provide one file for all sizes the Android system will scale the resource.

In additional to graphical files, Android supports XML drawables and 9-patch graphics. XML drawables are used to describe shapes (color, border, gradient), State and Transitions and more.
9-patch graphics are used to define which part of a graphic should be stretched if the View which uses this graphic is larger than the graphic.


The /lib folder is used to import library files in project that executables make use of and also you can import third party library files .

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